The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you will find that building a popular web site is certainly no exception.
Make your content useful. Think about your target audience and what they may be coming to your site to see, learn or buy. Then deliver that! Search engines and keywords can bring people to your site, but if your content is not useful or doesn't live up to your sales pitch, your prospective customer may leave and never come back.
Joining a network or web ring will give your website visibility, recognition and traffic. Look at some of the web rings you can join for free that relate to your business, your industry, your interests and more importantly, the interests of your customers. You can also establish your own web ring for a fee.
If your website is an entertainment site or another site that must present some glitz or flashy animation to grab visitor attention, use the glitz and animation only as the lead-in and allow your visitors to skip the animation and flash presentation by selecting a "skip this" link in the top right hand corner of the page. If possible, name the graphics or product pictures on your site with keyword titles and captions so you can make them search engine friendly.
When developing or revamping your website, make sure your website title and description quickly and effectively communicate what your company does, how you can solve a problem or desire your customers may have and make them want to know more. Your website title and approach must be compelling, or someone else will grab your customer's attention. Longer titles are more effective because you can provide more information, but use the right words and keywords that mean something to your customer.
Don't place your business name in every title of every page of your website. You may want your business name in the title of the home page, but it is probably a waste of valuable keywords and space to put it in the title line of every page on your site. Put keywords in the title lines instead so your page displays closer to the top of the search engine listing. Most of your prospective customers don't know or care about your business name until after they have looked at your site and decided it is worth bookmarking.
Think of your website as a series of websites, not just a home page. Then you realize that each page of your website must be search engine optimized. You can help accomplish this by using keywords in page titles. The title of each page, the keywords you use on that page and the phrases you use in the content will draw traffic to your site using different search engine terms and techniques, so be sure you capture all the keywords and phrases you need for each product, service or information page.
To get repeat web traffic, update the pages on your website frequently. Some search engines and directories will drop sites that are stagnant. You can even put a date on the page to show when it was last updated. Add a link to your primary pages with a script to book mark or add this site to your favorites.
If you've picked some pointers about building a popular web site that you can put into action, then by all means, do so. You won't really be able to gain any benefits from your new knowledge if you don't use it.
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